Understanding and Managing Low Libido in Women: Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions

Low libido in women is often related to a disconnection to our pleasure bodies.

Pleasure is a gift that we get to enjoy as humans. So much of life causes us to get stuck in our heads and the tasks of the day. The experience of pleasure is where we get to come back to our body and really enjoy our lives. No matter where you are at in your journey to improve your libido, I assure you are normal.

Whether you have never had an orgasm, have difficulty orgasming, used to orgasm easily and no longer can or simply just have practically no drive at all, your experience is a common and normal experience. The work we do at the libido doctor is to help remove the stigma of talking about libido and help women see that a lack of libido or difficulty reaching orgasm is simply evidence of an imbalance in your body. Your body is trying to communicate with you and our work is to help you understand the message so that you can have the libido and the pleasure that you deserve to have in your life.

Learn More About How We Help Women Achieve Better Libido and Better Sex HERE.

Top Factors in What Causes Low Libido for Women...

Low libido, or a decreased interest in sex, is a common issue for women of all ages. While it can be a normal part of life to experience occasional dips in libido, persistent low libido can be a source of stress and anxiety for many women. There are many potential causes of low libido in women, ranging from physical to emotional factors. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the most common causes of low libido in women.

Hormonal Imbalances
Stress and Anxiety
Relationship Issues

Medical Conditions
Lifestyle Factors
Differences In Sexual Preferences

Hormonal Imbalances 

Low libido, or a decreased interest in sex, is a common issue for women of all ages. While it can be a normal part of life to experience occasional dips in libido, persistent low libido can be a source of stress and anxiety for many women. There are many potential causes of low libido in women, ranging from physical to emotional factors. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the most common causes of low libido in women.

These can cause chanxges in libido, particularly during periods of hormonal flux such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, perimenopause, and menopause. These changes can lead to lower levels of estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone, which can negatively impact sexual desire. Certain medications, such as hormonal contraceptives, can also have an impact on hormone levels and libido.

Stress and Anxiety 

When we are feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or stressed out, it can be difficult to focus on pleasure and intimacy. High levels of stress can also lead to physical symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, and muscle tension, which can further impact libido.

Often, this leads to a very vicious cycle. In healthy relationships, we release higher amounts of the hormone oxytocin. This hormone helps us to regulate our stress hormones. More intimacy means better stress hormone regulation and less stress. But the vicious cycle occurs because much of the time, when we are stressed, we do not feel like intimacy. Then our oxytocin can plummet, leading to a harder ability to regulate stress.

Relationship Issues 

Conflict, communication breakdown, and emotional distance, can also impact libido. One of the most important feelings in relationship is safety. If we feel safe, our body feels relaxed. When we are not feeling safe in our relationships, our libido can suffer.Simple things can build up. If our partner is stressed when we reach out for emotional support and we get snapped up, this can lead to feelings of unsafety. It is important to develop the ability to communicate about things after they happen (when the emotions settle).

Being able to clear the air instead of holding onto things can lead to emotional closeness. Ignoring feelings, pushing things under the rug, or telling ourselves, “it is not that big of a deal” is a bad long term strategy. While small things are often not big deals, they can build up leading to bigger and bigger feelings of disconnection and unsafety. Looking for the ability to see small conflicts as opportunities to grow is essential – also when your partner has a turn to talk and address the conflict. Really work to listen to understand, not to defend or to make yourself right. Of course, you will need to share and get a turn to talk as well. When we give others the opportunity to be heard, this can oftentimes allow them to soften and hear you.

In our group programs at My Libido Doc, we talk a lot about how to develop better communication with your partner.

Medical Conditions

Diabetes, thyroid problems, and depression, can also contribute to low libido. Chronic pain, fatigue, and other physical symptoms associated with these conditions can make sex and intimacy less appealing. Doing the right lab testing to figure out imbalances such as these in the body is important. Even certain chronic hidden infections, nutrient deficiencies and toxic burden on the body can play a role.

Lifestyle Factors

Poor sleep, lack of exercise, and poor diet, can also contribute to low libido. When we are not taking care of our physical health, it can be difficult to feel energized and focused on pleasure. Additionally, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and drug use can also impact libido negatively.

Differences in sexual preferences 

if you or your partner is into kink and the other one is not, there can be a discrepancy on turn ons and turn offs. This can impact one’s motivation for intimacy due to differences in intimacy styles.

This is why it is important that you work on better communication with your partner. If your partner is into kink, but you are not, there may be things that you can try to help with this desire that stay within the confines of what makes you comfortable. The more you are open to explore and be okay if you try something and does not go as smoothly as planned the better opportunity to find something that works for you both. Of course, honor your own needs around pleasure and safety, but do not be afraid to push outside of your comfort zone a bit to explore ways to help you partner feel cared for in this way. Even if what you try is never tried again, it can bring a lot of closeness (and sometimes laughter) to the relationship.

Is Not Wanting Sex “Normal”?

Having a rollercoaster sex drive isn’t weird at all. Lots of things can make you less interested in getting busy. From hormone issues like high prolactin, to health probs, to certain meds like SSRIs, to just feeling stressed – the reasons are endless. Even some types of birth control like the pill can kill your sex appetite.

Here’s the key: sexual interest isn’t static – it fluctuates. The occasional dry spell is no big deal and totally “normal”. It’s only a problem when the lack of interest doesn’t go away and makes you feel crappy, which is FSIAD territory.

How Often Should Couples Get It On?

There’s no magic number for how often couples should have sex. It’s totally personal and depends on their unique preferences and circumstances. Libido levels change based on age, health, emotional connection, and lifestyle. Comparing your sex life to others’ will just lead to false expectations and pointless worry. Focus on quality, not quantity! The key is being open with your partner about what you want, need, and feel. That vulnerability builds understanding and leads to better sex. At the end of the day, it’s about figuring out what feels right for you and your relationship – not living up to society’s standards.

 Everyone experiences sexuality differently, so don’t judge your own journey based on silly myths about female libido. It’s all about your own comfort, timeline, and fulfillment.

Recognizing Low Libido Symptoms

Step one to dealing with low libido is noticing the signs. How this looks varies based on your personal expectations and definition of a good sex drive. But generally, low libido means consistently lacking interest in sex or fantasizing.

The Best Libido Quiz Women Should Take

A helpful tool for checking your sexual health is the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI). This is a quiz used in clinical studies that looks at different areas of sexual function, like desire, arousal, lubrication, orgasm, satisfaction, and pain. Take this Libido Quiz to get some insight into where you’re at sexually.

To be clear, this quiz isn’t an official diagnosis – but it’s a starting point to better understand your concerns. Random dips in sex drive are normal. But consistently low libido that stresses you out could mean seeking help.

The key is being open about your sexual health – with your partner and your healthcare team. Spotting low libido symptoms is the first step to boosting your sexual health and happiness. 

Female Libido Boosters...

When tackling low libido, you need a personalized strategy. This means finding ways to boost female libido, using coping tools, and knowing when to get medical help.

Libido Boosters for Women

There are lots of things that might rev a woman’s engine. Some supplements are known for boosting female sex drive, like Ginkgo Biloba, Maca root, Ginseng, L-arginine, Black Cohosh, Chasteberry fruit, and DHEA. These natural substances can improve blood flow and balance hormones, which may turn up the heat.

Sex also gets more fun with things that increase comfort and arousal. Using lube can help with dryness and make sex feel better. Trying new positions or toys can spice things up. And strengthening your pelvic floor with Kegel exercises can intensify sensation and control.

Coping and Support for Low Libido

Being super open with your partner about your sexual wants and struggles is huge for managing low libido. A Marriage and Family Therapist can guide these talks to strengthen your bond. Or a Sex Therapist can offer a fresh take on intimacy and give concrete tips to up your satisfaction.

Living a healthy lifestyle also promotes overall sex drive. Go easy on alcohol and drugs, chug water daily, and build routines like pre-sex relaxation or bathroom breaks to feel comfier during the deed.

When to Call the Doc

Be sure seek pro help if low libido starts tanking your quality of life or emotional well-being. It might be due to an underlying issue like a hormonal problem (e.g. high prolactin) or med side effect (e.g. birth control, SSRIs).

If you think it’s physical, an OBGYN checkup is clutch. They can suggest fixes, from tweaking doses to trying hormone therapy.

Remember, getting help with sexual health is 1000% okay. Prioritize your wellness and start building your own plan to tackle low libido ASAP. 

Wrapping Up

You know about FSIAD and the handy FSFI quiz too. Clearly there’s no one-size-fits-all fix, but a custom plan is key. Boosting libido can happen through methods like supplements (Ginkgo Biloba, Maca root) and exercises (Kegels). Openly talking to your partner and getting professional guidance when needed

This is about your sexual health and overall happiness. Be willing to challenge your own beliefs about intimacy looking/being a certain way. There are a lot of ways that one can experience intimacy and closeness. Taking a moment to explore your own beliefs around this can also help you break down walls that can lead to further closeness. 

Want to Learn how to Identify and Fix These Root Causes?

Register for Our Next Libido Masterclass. We will share our expertise on libido and empower you with the solutions and steps to improve yours.

Low Libido in Women