How to Orgasm During Sex

How to Have an Orgasm During Sex

One of the most important components in with how to orgasm during sex is to normalize conversations and take the pressure off the orgasm. For more on this, read our blog: How to Have an Orgasm.

How to have an orgasm during sex

Jade Egg exercises are done when one takes a jade crystal in the shape of an egg and inserts it intravaginally to use as exercises. It is best to get eggs that are designed for jade egg practice. These sorts of eggs have a whole running through them. You can run a piece of string or dental floss through the whole and tie it off so that when you insert the egg a piece of string hangs out, like a tampon. This will allow you to easily get the jade egg out when you are done with your practice.

Jade egg practice is thought to be ancient rooted in Taoist traditions. While there is less research on jade egg practice as compared to Kegels, the arguments for jade egg practice make sense. With kegels, one simply squeezes the vaginal muscles. Most women are taught to squeeze their muscles, hold for ten seconds, or so and then release and repeat. There are two problems with this sort of activity.

Firstly, one argument is that the body strengthens its muscles (the point of the kegel) by having to lift something that is heavy forcing muscle to break down and build up stronger. Imagine going to a gym and doing bicep curls without holding any weight and just squeezing. You would get some benefit, but not near the benefit as if you really stressed the muscle with weight. The idea with the jade egg is that you are actually squeezing against something.

For even more benefit, you can tie small weights from the string that you attached to the jade egg. When you contract your muscles, you are then lifting weights with your vagina!

Secondly, kegel exercises focus generally on only some of the vaginal muscles. Typically with kegels, women are taught to squeeze as if stopping a stream of urine.

While this is a a good exercise, the idea of the jade egg is that it helps women to gain better control of many of the pelvic floor muscles and not simply the muscles used for kegel exercises.

By increasing the tone of the vaginal muscles, one can contract the muscles during intercourse.

This can help to strengthen the sensation and can help with orgasm.

It can also be a useful exercise that can control the masculine erection and the masculine orgasm. The more you play with this, the more you can begin to feel certain contractions that can bring a male partner closer to orgasm. Want him to last longer, do a couple of these contractions, and then release and let him calm down a bit before returning to more contractions. By learning how to do jade egg exercises, you can learn how to help your partner last longer to give you more time to rev your engine to orgasm.

How to do Jade Egg Practice:

There are tons of jade egg exercises but here are a couple to get you started. One exercise is sometimes called sipping. This is when you slightly insert the egg into your vulva and work on contracting your muscles to “sip” the egg inside. You may find this to be difficult in the beginning. Often time we have lost control over these muscles, and it will take the nervous system some time to remember how to make these muscles contract. Think of it like learning a new instrument or any other skill.

Once the egg is inserted, you can then squeeze different parts of your muscles to move the egg. See if you can make the front wall of your vagina tighten while everything else stays relaxed. Then move onto the back wall and then the sides. Then see if you can alternate. For extra work you can pull gently on the string to provide pressure as if you are removing the egg. Use the contraction of the vaginal walls to prevent the egg from sliding out.

The biggest thing in the beginning is to not get frustrated.

You may have never moved your muscles this way. So in the beginning it may feel like you are not even moving the muscle at all.

If this happens, you can do an exercise to begin to gain better awareness of these muscles. To do this, lay on your bed without the egg inside of you. Insert a finger. Work to contract the muscles as described above and place your finger on the muscle. For example, place your inserted finger on the front wall of your vagina and contract.

See if you can feel it. Then move onto the back wall. Then the side walls. By using your finger, it can help the brain orient to what muscle you are working to contract.

Another helpful tool that you can do is with a finger inserted. With a finger inserted intravaginally, made your feet move like windshield wipers. This will move the muscles of the pelvic floor and with your finger you can begin to feel these different muscles and allow your mind to have more awareness of them.

The purpose of the jade egg practice in regard to orgasm is to help you gain more control over your vaginal and pelvic floor muscles.

Once you have this, you can add additional contractions to your intimacy which can aid in orgasm.

For additional information: Please see the following blogs:

What does an orgasm feel like? Orgasm Contractions

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