What Do Orgasms Feel Like?

What Do Orgasms Feel Like?

The question of “what does an orgasm feel like” is a common question amongst vulva owners. Due to the ability of the anatomy to produce so many different types of orgasms, some may be confused as to whether or not one is having an orgasm.

For example, commonly orgasms cause contractions. However, sometimes, there are no contractions and there is simply a release of sexual tension. In addition, there are five major erogenous zones and four different nerves that generally supply the genitals. Therefore depending upon the combination of zones and nerves that are stimulated, orgasms not only very from person to person, but also from sexual experience to experience. For more on how to have an orgasm see our blog HERE.

What do orgasms feel like?

So, What Does an Orgasm Feel Like?

Sexual pleasure and climax, including orgasms, are not just natural occurrences but can be learned and enhanced through exercises and training. For instance, a woman who is sexually responsive and can reach multiple orgasms can be trained to increase the frequency and intensity of her orgasms. However, the partner’s understanding and approach are also crucial in this process, and they should be involved in the training as well.

Five Different Types of Orgasms

Enhanced sexual responses (ESR) and status orgasmus are experienced by a small percentage of women, less than 10% and 1% respectively. While not all women who train in ESR and Tantra will reach these levels, they can significantly improve their sexual responses and orgasms.

Female orgasm has been described as a state of altered state of consciousness (ASC) in some literature. During prolonged orgasms, which can last for several minutes, some women may achieve a different state of consciousness, often described as ecstatic, blissful, and divine.

The psycho-neuropharmacology of female orgasm can have a “short hallucinogenic effect” on women’s minds, sometimes referred to as “Sexual Nirvana or Satori,” characterized by feelings of ecstasy and unification. This is believed to be due to the release of hormones like oxytocin and dopamine during prolonged and multiple orgasms. Some women can produce and release more oxytocin than others, which may contribute to these experiences.

The Sexual Erogenous Zones

There are five different erogenous zones in female anatomy. To answer the question on what does an orgasm feel like, we need to cover a bit about each of these zones.

The female body is a treasure trove of erogenous zones, areas that can cause sexual arousal when touched or stimulated. While the clitoris is often the star of the show due to the “accessibility to orgasm for many women”  there are other lesser-known but equally important areas that can heighten pleasure and lead to intense orgasms.

Today, we will explore five of these zones: the G-spot, A-spot, O-spot, cervix, and pelvic floor muscles.

  1. The G-Spot (Grafenberg’s Spot): Named after the German gynecologist Ernst Grafenberg, the G-spot is located on the anterior (front) vaginal wall, about 2.5 cm to 4 cm inside, under the mid urethral length. When stimulated, it can produce powerful orgasms and even lead to female ejaculation in some women. The G-spot can be reached by inserting a finger or a specially designed toy into the vagina and applying pressure in a “come hither” motion towards the belly button.
  1. The A-Spot: The Anterior Fornix Erogenous zone, or A-spot, is another pleasure point located on the anterior wall of the vagina, about 2 cm to 3.5 cm below the anterior fornix, under the bladder. This deep-seated area is often overlooked but can produce rapid lubrication and intense orgasms when stimulated correctly. The A-spot can be reached by deeper penetration during intercourse or with a longer sex toy.
  1. The O-Spot: The O-spot, or posterior fornix, is located between the posterior vaginal wall and the rectum, about 2 cm to 4 cm below the posterior fornix. This area is highly sensitive and can produce deep, full-body orgasms when stimulated. The O-spot can be reached by deep penetration from behind or with a curved sex toy.
  1. The Cervix: The cervix is the lower part of the uterus that connects to the vagina. While it may seem odd to consider the cervix an erogenous zone, some women find deep cervical stimulation incredibly pleasurable. However, because the cervix can be sensitive, it’s important to approach cervical stimulation slowly and gently, especially at first.
  1. Pelvic Floor Muscles: The pelvic floor muscles, including the pubococcygeus (PC) muscle, play a crucial role in sexual pleasure. These muscles contract during orgasm, and exercises to strengthen them (known as Kegel exercises) can lead to stronger orgasms. Additionally, some women find the process of flexing these muscles during sex to be pleasurable.

So, to answer to the question on what does an orgasm feel like, the truth is, it depends. It can feel like euphoria where you lose sense of space and time. It can feel like a gentle release. It can feel like happiness. Contractions may or may not happen. You may feel a sense of stress going away. Tingling and full body sensations may happen.  Each orgasm is different, and each individual has their own way of explaining what is happening. One thing is true across the board: they feel good!

Understanding and exploring these erogenous zones can lead to more fulfilling sexual experiences. However, it’s important to remember that every woman is different. What works for one woman may not work for another. Communication, exploration, and patience are key to discovering what feels best for you or your partner. Learn more at our blog: How to Have an Orgasm.

Sayin, Umit. (2019). Annals of Clinical Case Studies– Five Cases with Expanded Sexual Response (ESR) Case Report. 1005.

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